Self Harm Stigma

Self Harm Stigma

Self-harm is a sensitive topic that is often met with stigma and misunderstanding.

Unfortunately, because it is often misunderstood, those who engage in self-harm are often stigmatized and shamed.

One common misconception about self-harm is that it is only done by attention-seeking teenagers. This is simply not true. People of all ages and backgrounds engage in self-harm as a way to cope with stress or trauma. It is not a sign of weakness or a cry for attention. It is a coping mechanism, albeit an unhealthy one.

Another myth about self-harm is that it is a suicidal behaviour. While some people who self-harm may have suicidal thoughts or tendencies, the majority of those who engage in self-harm do not intend to end their lives. Self-harm is a way to manage emotions, not a desire to die.

Unfortunately, the stigma around self-harm can make it difficult for people to seek help. Those who self-harm are often seen as “crazy” or “attention-seeking,” and this can be a deterrent for seeking out support. 

To combat the stigma around self-harm, it is important to educate ourselves and others about what it is and why people engage in it. We need to recognise that self-harm is not a choice, but rather a coping mechanism for those who are struggling with emotional pain. We should also encourage those who are struggling with self-harm to seek help, and offer non-judgmental support to those who do.

If you or someone you know is struggling with self-harm, it is important to seek professional help. Therapy, medication, and support groups can all be effective treatments for self-harm.  If you are searching for a way to "hurt without harm" then our Kaiko wrist spikeys can be an amazing tool.  Simply wear on your wrist so it is always available and when the urge to hurt arises, press down firmly with your other hand and twist.

By educating ourselves and offering support to those who need it, we can help reduce the stigma around self-harm and provide a path to healing for those who struggle with it.

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